Supplemental Readings and References
S. P. Naber: Molecular pathology—diagnosis of infectious DNA.
N ew E n g -
la n d Jo u rn a l o f M ed icin e
331, 1212 (1994).
W. Reik and M. A. Surami, eds.:
F rontiers in M o le c u la r B io lo g y.
New York:
Oxford University Press (1997).
C. W. Schmid, N. Deka, and G. Matera: Repetitive human DNA: The
shape of things to come. In
C h ro m o so m es: E u ka ryo tic, P rokaryotic,
a n d Viral.
Volume 1. K. W. Adolph, ed., Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
R. A. Seder and S. Gurunathan: DNA vaccines—Designer vaccines
for the 21st century.
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l o f M e d icin e
341, 277
Gene Therapy
H. M. Blau and M. I. Springer: Muscle-mediated gene therapy.
N ew E n g la n d
J o u rn a l o f M ed icin e
333, 1554 (1995).
M. Cavazzana-Calvo, S. Hacein-Ray, G. de Saint Basile, et ah: Gene ther-
apy of human severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)-Xl disease.
S cien ce
288, 669 (2000).
S. J. Eck, ed.: Gene therapy.
H em a to lo g y/O n co lo g y C lin ics o f N o rth A m erica
W. M. McDonnell and F. K. Askari: DNA vaccines.
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l
o f M ed icin e
334,42 ( 1996).
L-C. Tsui and P. Durie: Genotype and phenotype in cystic fibrosis.
H o sp ita l
P ra ctice
, June 15, 15 (1997).
Human Genome Project
G. J. Annas: Rules for research on human genetic variation—Lessons from
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l o f M ed ic in e
342, 1830 (2000).
E. Green: The Human Genome Project and its impact on the study of hu-
man disease. In
M eta b o lic a n d M o le c u la r B a se s o f In h e rite d D isease,
C. R. Scriver, ed., 8th edition. New York, McGraw-Hill (2000).
V. Hatzimanikatis, L. H. Choe, and K. H. Lee: Proteomics: Theoretical and
experimental considerations.
B io tech . Prod.
15, 312 (1999).
N. A. Holtzman and T. M. Marteau: Will genetics revolutionize medicine?
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l o f M ed icin e
343, 141 (2000).
G. J. B. van Ommen, E. Bakker, and J. T. den Dünnen: The human genome
project and the future of diagnostics, treatment, and prevention.
T he L a n c e t
354, si 8, (Molecular Medicine) (1999).
D. B. Searls: Using bioinformatics in gene and drug discovery.
D ru g D is -
c o very Today
5, 135 (2000).
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